general right

英 [ˈdʒenrəl raɪt] 美 [ˈdʒenrəl raɪt]

n.  一般权利



  1. In the absence of any specific statutory review procedures, the grants a general right of judicial review of any adverse, final agency action.
  2. The association has to concentrate on some general legislation right now.
  3. Compared with the special personality right, the general personality right has the function to modify and supply the existing law.
  4. Therefore, the principle of against monopolization law should be adaptable to the general property right, simultaneously it should be consistent with the field of intellectual property right.
  5. If you research on the tax law relations from the credit relations 'perspective, you would find that it is very hard to conclude that tax right is of priority over the general right of credit, whether based on theory, law, or practical operation.
  6. Then the author compares security supervision right with general administrative right and points out the differences of the two.
  7. The general personality right is the necessary result when people have recognized the deficiency of the human rationality.
  8. Though about 60% of students recognize that without-smoking will be a new fashion but the students who have general right believes are only 34.19%.
  9. On the function and system value of the general personal right
  10. The legal right has its characteristics of general right and its own essential features.
  11. It owns not only concrete personality right, but also general personality right.
  12. Moreover, the right of academic freedom should be established as a general right rather than a special professional right only belonging to special professions.
  13. This paper focuses on research and establishment of water right system, and puts forward three key conceptions, including general water right, river basin water right and specific water right. Constitutions of water right system and legal status are also analyzed.
  14. Originally, general personality right is supplement to concrete right.
  15. Its basic purpose is to establish the general right value view in Chinese public. The realization of this purpose will bring China into constitution culture stage, and constitution culture marks the arrival of civilization of rule of law.
  16. Hence, the general personality right should be confirmed by the civil law.
  17. News right infringement is different from general civil right infringement, and has its own particularity.
  18. Through the comparision and analysis of all kinds of mode, the author believed that, our country's future civil law should choose the mode of concrete personality right+ single general personality right.
  19. Civil Code doesn't prescribe the general personality right of artificial person, but the concrete personality right.
  20. There are four kinds of modes about the relation between claiming right to work injury insurance and general right to personal injury damage.
  21. But patents have a legitimate monopoly cloak, compared with the general right is more easily to be abused.
  22. Although there is no relevant regulations in general civil law in china, yet some other single laws have touched upon general personality right such as Consumer Protection Law, Women Rights Guarantees Law and so on.
  23. The Bankruptcy Recall Right includes General Recall Right and Special Recall Right.
  24. The first approach involves theoretical improvement of general personality right.
  25. Next, this paper analyzed the need to establish general personal right system not only helps to improve our legislation, but also contribute to the overall protection of personality rights.
  26. ACE for general right than left area.
  27. General personality right system is not dreamed up or copy can be, it needs to take into account the reality of our national conditions, to design a system suitable for China general personality rights.
  28. In this subpart, the author mainly focuses on four questions, that is the conditions 、 the subject 、 the content and the object of general personality right.
  29. The bankruptcy law in China stipulates the General Recall Right, but there is no corresponding regulations about Special Recall Right, resulting in the vulnerabilities of legislation in our country and the lack of executive basis in practice.
  30. Theoretical understanding of the differences lead to the different system arrangement which are the general personality right and whether to admit legal person personality rights.